I know I have not been very diligent in keeping this blog updated, but my routine has been quite hectic lately.
Between classes and marketing, supply chain and business economics assignments, I am out of bed before 7am and do not go to sleep before midnight. But anyway, no complains :) in fact I am quite happy with the course as well as with my classmates.
Today I had a nice day - did nothing special for my birthday, however I was extremely happy to receive lots of e-mails and phone calls :) that really made my day and I would like to thank you all for that!!
Everyone was asking me what I would be doing to celebrate my birthday today - the answer is nothing special actually...Jouy en Josas is quite away from Paris to commute in the middle of the week, so I'll just postpone the celebration and will have a nice dinner on Saturday. However no plans for dancing all night long, since our first mid-term exam, Accounting (in fact, Analyse Comptable - IN FRENCH!) will be next Monday, so I'll be quite busy next Sunday...
Other than that, it is fall in Europe already. We can feel by the temperature decreasing little by little and also by the days getting shorter...The sun is not out before 8ish, although everyone is saying that we have been lucky since the days have been pleasant and without too much rain.
A lot of people asked me where the campus is located. It is in fact very close to Versailles, where the famous castle is. A very beautiful area surrounded by a lot of green. In the picture above, you can see the view I have from my room. The leaves are all falling and very soon this scenario shall be completely different. The building in the back is the restaurant.
Once again, un grand merci to all my friends who made this birthday a very special one!
4 comentários:
Alan, parabens por seu aniversario. Na verdade, a Dani me disse que seu aniversario é hoje, e por isso estou lhe desejando felicidades. Agora, se vc quiser me desejar felicidades tb, me mande um notebook. Abracos. Ivan. PS: meu orkut é ivan ricci.
So sorry, dear friend, forgot about your birthday... Not too late to wish you all the best, I hope, though. Have fun in Paris this weekend, and drink a glass of wine for me too! God, I miss French wine...
Quando você estiver jantando sábado, chiquérrimo em Paris, lembre de mim...
Não pense que minha vida está diferente da sua, estou acordando cedo, dormindo tarde, tendo aula de Marketing, Supply Chain (a pós está um saco!) mas vc na França e eu em Curitola..hahahahaha
Morro de saudades!!
Hi Alan, I'm enjoying your blog, and can't wait to read and see more! Take care and wishing u a very Happy Birthday! Hello to Mike, too. Enjoy Europe till Vahe and I visit! Hugs, Carmen
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